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Sustainable development and corporate social responsibility
Our products are designed for durability and long life
We are a socially responsible company and we are trying to act according to the philosophy of sustainable development. We care for working conditions of our employees. We analyse and reduce the environmental impact of our production process to maximize the durability of our products and consequently reduce the energy demand for many years. Our products are designed for durability and long life, for recyclability, for easy transport (reducing the CO2 emissions), for safe construction process, but first of all for safety and security during many decades the building will be used.
We are involved in social housing projects in poverty-stricken regions, such as Sudan, Brazil or Morocco. We have developed a special solution for walls with high thermal performance, with low transport costs, and allowing to build inexpensive houses by unqualified workers.
Since the beginning, Izodom has been involved in charity projects, supporting local sports clubs and art groups. We actively cooperate with student organizations, such as BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) LBG Łódź, organizers of the YAPA song festival, research clubs in Łódź University of Technology and the Children’s College operating at the Łódź University of Technology.
The company is implementing a project initiated by our HR officer, Maria Szulc, who persuaded the employees to transfer 1% of their income tax to a public benefit organization of their choice (such an option is provided for in the Polish law). Thanks to Ms Szulc’s initiative, all office staff donate 1% of their income tax to charity.