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EU funds

Our project called “Innovative Comprehensive Thermal Insulation of Buildings Offered by IZODOM 2000 POLSKA” is co-financed from European Regional Development Fund.
The co-financing application was submitted to the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development on November 30, 2009, within the Innovative Economy Operational Programme, 2007-2013, Action 1.4 - 4.1. Regional financing institution is Łódź Regional Development Agency.

When the project was approved by the Approving Authority, the co-financing agreement was signed on July 22, 2010.
  • Project value: PLN 7,516,146.00
  • EU contribution: PLN 2,962,590.00
  • Implementation time: 2009 - 2011
The project is divided into two stages:

Stage I (research) includes R&D activities in the area of innovative perimetric panel, reinforced concrete ground slab, large-size roof insulation panel.

Stage II (implementation) includes implementation of the R&D works in order to commence production of new building thermal insulation parts through:
  • construction of a production and storage facility to manufacture 3 new products,
  • construction of the laboratory building with the administration and exhibition part,
  • purchase of fixed assets for manufacture of new products (injection moulding machine and moulds),
  • purchase of equipment to control the planned production process,
  • setting up a R&D department to be located in two newly-built facilities.

European Commission
Innovative Economy Programme
Ministry of Economy, Department of European Funds
Ministry of Regional Development
Polish Agency for Enterprise Development
Łódź Regional Development Agency